NA’AMAT Stands in Solidarity with Ukrainians

In this month of Adar, our “Season of Joy” is tempered by the tragic news, images, and personal stories coming out of the war in Ukraine, and we are called upon to act.

In anticipation of potentially large numbers of displaced Ukrainian families and children arriving in Israel, we know that the NA’AMAT Daycare centers throughout Israel will be stepping up to provide safe, healthy, and positive environments for an even greater number of children.

If you have given in support of our network of Daycare centers in the past, we ask that you consider making an additional gift now. If you have not given in the past, we ask that you consider dedicating some of your ‘tzedakah’ toward providing the resources that these families and children will need when they arrive in Israel as refugees.

We at NA’AMAT will continue to stand in solidarity with the Ukranians who are fighting to maintain their rights of self-determination as well as their desire to live in peace among the nations of the world.