NA’AMAT Israel hosts ‘thank you’ party for 3,000!

On August 4th in the evening NA’AMAT held a very special event at Safra Square in Jerusalem with the participation of close to 3,000 NA’AMAT workers and volunteers from all over the country! The event was intended to say “THANK YOU” to all our devoted care givers in the Day Care Centers and all the staff and volunteers.

Galia Wolloch, President NA’AMAT, emphasized our utmost appreciation for all the hard daily work of our care givers and the fact that all of them are doing most important educational work with love and care.

Nir Barkat, the Mayor of Jerusalem, spoke at the event and elaborated on the importance of NA’AMAT to the Israeli society and to the young generations.

The atmosphere at the event was heart warming, very moving and exciting and at the end we had a well known singer with everyone dancing together.

Enclosed are a few photos. You can see the huge crowd, Galia Wolloch speaking, as well as the Mayor of Jerusalem, Nir Barkat, with Galia Wolloch.