Friends of NA’AMAT

Israel is turning 70 this April. To celebrate this momentous accomplishment, we are asking our NA’AMAT Friends to join in the festivities by spearheading a new project at our technological high school in Holon. This school is located on the central coastal strip south of Tel Aviv.  It provides a quality education for over 200 at-risk teens, many of whom come from disadvantaged homes.  The students can specialize in four different courses of study:  photography, computer sciences, hair styling and business management.

In addition to their studies, the students are able to participate and enjoy a full range of after school activities.  And now we would like to ask for your support to enhance and expand the sports program, as we renovate the yard and basketball court and purchase new equipment.   You’ve been there for us before and we hope you will be there for our kids now.

We hope you will give generously and with a full heart. Todah Rabah!

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