Chanukah Campaign
You can make a difference! Thank you for your continued support of NA’AMAT USA. We wish you and your loved ones a healthy and happy Chanukah. REMEMBER NA’AMAT AT THIS HOLIDAY TIME! The pandemic continues to bring new challenges to our caregivers and teachers and more than ever we need your help. Each candle represents […]
Annual Summer Appeal – 2021
Multi-Purpose Day-Care Center The NA’AMAT Multipurpose Day Care Center in Ashkelon needs important renovations for its classrooms and playgrounds. This center provides essential daycare services for children of working families and offers after school programs for older siblings. With your help, these at-risk children from disadvantaged homes can start a new school year in a […]
GEM – Giving Every Month
Join our GEM Program (Giving Every Month) This is the best way you can provide ongoing and essential support for NA’AMAT’s women, children, and families in Israel. By participating in our GEM Program, you will become a part of our special community of donors who choose to make a difference. Your monthly gift will provide: […]
Chaverot Fundraiser with Dr. Daniel Gordis
Sponsored By NA’AMAT USA is a non-profit fundraising organization dedicated to supporting programs for women, children, and families in Israel, which include domestic violence shelters, technical schools and daycare facilities. Chaverot Annual Fundraiser Saturday, January 30, 2021 8 pm CST Live from Israel: A Conversation with Dr. Daniel Gordis Turning Worry Into Opportunity: How America’s […]
Win a Nambe Dreidel
Enter the drawing below to win a beautiful Nambe Dreidel donated by Do your holiday shopping in our Marketplace and a percentage of each purchase goes directly to our cause, helping women and families in Israel. Help brighten up the life of those in need. a Rafflecopter giveaway
NOTORIOUS RBG: The life and times of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, A Virtual Tour
[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”9293″ img_size=”large”][vc_empty_space height=”16px”] Tour Provided By [vc_empty_space height=”16px”][vc_single_image image=”9294″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″] [vc_empty_space height=”16px”][vc_separator color=”purple”][vc_empty_space height=”16px”] Based on the New York Times bestselling book and Tumblr page of the same name, Notorious RBG: The Life and Times of Ruth Bader Ginsburg is the first-ever museum exhibition focused solely on this judicial icon, whose […]
Oil Vey! Chanukah Virtual Adventure – SOLD OUT
[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”9189″ img_size=”large”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″] Celebrate Chanukah with our virtual adventure to Israel. On our tour, we will learn about how olive oil connects what happened thousands of years ago to the celebration of Chanukah today. Our guided experience will be led by the captivating Israeli tour guide Gadi Ben-Dov. [vc_empty_space height=”20px”] All proceeds will […]
Israel Virtual Trip
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_empty_space] ISRAEL VIRTUAL TRIP WITH EXPERT GUIDE GADI BEN-DOV [vc_empty_space][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][vc_cta h2=”DATES” txt_align=”center” style=”custom” custom_background=”#7a2371″ custom_text=”#ffffff”] August 10 – 14 SOLD OUT! August 17 – 21 SOLD OUT! or August 30 – September 1 and September 3 & 4 SOLD OUT! or September 13 – 17 Choose one week and join us! $50 for all […]
Annual Summer Appeal – 2020
In Israel It Takes a Village In Israel, over 600 disadvantaged young people have found solace and an education at NA’AMAT’s Kanot Youth Village. Here at Kanot, our students gain the new skills and encouragement they need to make better lives for themselves. Whether their passion is law enforcement, agriculture, or equestrian/veterinary studies, these at-risk […]
Mother’s Day Chai Tea

No better time than to celebrate from afar and make a donation in honor of the special women in our lives – those still with us and those we fondly remember. We realize that cards may be delayed in this time of sheltering and social distancing, but please be assured that your acknowledgment will be […]