Women’s Health and Empowerment Fund

Donate to Women’s Health & Empowerment

For over 90 years, NA’AMAT has worked to empower women in Israel through advocacy, service, and empowerment. Donating to women’s health and empowerment enables us to continue providing legal aid for women in Israel who have survived domestic violence and/or harassment, and it also supports maintenance, construction, and expansion of services at our women’s health clinics.

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In celebration of NA’AMAT USA’s recent 90th anniversary, we have sponsored a new women’s empowerment and health center in Sderot. This facility serves the women of Sderot, as well as women from the Kibbutzim in the area.

Sderot, with a population of about 25,000, was established in 1951 as a development town for new immigrants. Less than one mile from the Gaza strip, Sderot has been the target of rocket attacks by terrorist groups since 2001 with a high percentage of the population suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. Despite living with fear and uncertainty, the people of Sderot have shown great courage and strength. There is ongoing rebuilding, construction of new homes, opening of new business, improvements in the educational system and an increase in cultural activities. As the women in Sderot are preoccupied with the health and welfare of their families, many don’t have the time to travel out of their area to seek preventative care for themselves. What Sderot clearly needs is a women’s health center to fill a critical void in the community’s social services network.

Similar to NA’AMAT’S outstanding women’s center in Karmiel, the Sderot facility provides workshops, prevention counseling, empowerment programs and other services currently lacking in the community.

Sderot (“boulevard” in Hebrew) was given its name to symbolize the biblical prophecy of “making the desert bloom.” Our health center is a new flower in the blossoming of the Negev. We seek your continued generous support for this vital project.[vc_row][vc_column][vc_empty_space]NA’AMAT USA appreciates all donations and acknowledges recommendations made by donors. In compliance with legal requirements for our 501(c)(3) status, NA’AMAT USA retains sole discretion over the use of donated funds.

Send your friends and loved ones NA’AMAT Misloach Manot for Purim!

Proceeds of every box go to supporting women, children, and families in Israel.

Last day for delivery before Purim is February 16th, so make sure to order in time!

Send your friends and loved ones NA’AMAT Misloach Manot for Purim!

Proceeds of every box go to supporting women, children, and families in Israel.

Last day for delivery before Purim is February 16th, so make sure to order in time!