Update on the Situation in Israel

We would like to share with you a note from Shirli Shavit from NA’AMAT ISRAEL

Dear Haverot,

Over 1,500 rockets were launched to Israel cities and towns in the last 2 days…

From Sderot in the south until Yisrael Valley in the Lower Galilee.

While writing this to you, I had to run all of a sudden to the safe room, since there was a missile attack siren and noise of loud explosions in the area. The same happened many times during the last 2 days including the nights. I live in Gan Yavne, a town that is 45 km. south of Tel Aviv, 40 km. north of Gaza.

Unfortunately, this is the reality today of about 7 million of our citizens!

This has been the reality every few years mostly in the southern part of Israel, and even more frequently and worst in Sderot and the areas surrounding Gaza. This situation is unbearable, it is dangerous, tense and always unpredictable!

The Gaza strip is ruled by Hamas, an extreme terrorist organization which is supported by Iran. Due to the situation, the Homefront command instructed that all day care centers and schools have to be closed from the south till after Herzliya. We had to close 115 of our day care centers, about 8,000 children and babies are left at home.

Just today, due to the tense and dangerous situation in our mixed cities (Jews and Arabs) we had to close our center in Acco.

Our schools are closed and we have distance learning by Zoom. Only a small number of students stayed in our Youth Villages, Kanot and Ayanot.

As you understand this situation is very difficult for our children, families and staff. Many of our children and students are suffering from stress and anxiety from this situation.

We are trying our best to be in touch with them and to give them all the help and support that they need.

On behalf of Hagit Pe’er, myself and all of us in NA’AMAT, I would like to convey to you our utmost appreciation and gratitude for your concern, solidarity and love!

Let us all hope for quiet, security, peace and co-existence with our neighbors and even more so within ourselves!

We wish you a healthy and Happy Shavuot !


Chag Sameach ! חג שמח

Warm regards.
Yours Sincerely,


Here are photos of Kanot students who live in our boarding school, sleeping and spending time in the saferoom.

Send your friends and loved ones NA’AMAT Misloach Manot for Purim!

Proceeds of every box go to supporting women, children, and families in Israel.

Last day for delivery before Purim is February 16th, so make sure to order in time!

Send your friends and loved ones NA’AMAT Misloach Manot for Purim!

Proceeds of every box go to supporting women, children, and families in Israel.

Last day for delivery before Purim is February 16th, so make sure to order in time!