San Fernando Valley Council Hosts Celebration for Formerly Homeless

Event marks the 1-year anniversary of the opening of LA Family Housing’s Day Street Apartments.

More than two dozen formerly homeless residents of the Day Street Apartments enjoyed an afternoon of good food, door prizes and fun at a special celebration marking the residential facility’s one-year anniversary. The San Fernando Valley Council of NA’AMAT USA hosted the July 19th event on behalf of LA Family Housing, which operates the contemporary 45-unit housing complex. Opened last July in the Los Angeles suburb of Tujunga, the Day Street Apartments provide permanent homes to single adults affected by chronic homelessness.

SVVC2Some 15 members of NA’AMAT USA’s San Fernando Valley Council took part in the event, serving food, passing out door and raffle prizes, and visiting with residents. “Our members had a lot of fun interacting with the people here,” said council president Rene Peters. “We’ve worked with LA Family Housing for three years and we’ve hosted a number of parties for children. This year, we wanted to do something for adults.”

Although the fundraising mission of NA’AMAT is focused on supporting programs for women, children and families in Israel, the organization has a long history of assisting local service organizations through volunteer efforts. “The work of LA Family Housing is similar to the programs we support in Israel,” Peters said. San Fernando Valley Council members regularly collect food, clothing and other goods for the group.


Nathan, a resident of the Day Street Apartments, enjoyed the anniversary celebration. “I appreciate everything they have done here today; I like to participate,” said the 68-year-old, who spent a year and a half in a shelter before space became available at the Day Street Apartments. “I lived on the streets for 30 years. I don’t drink anymore. (He’s been sober for two years.) I don’t smoke. Now, I work out every day.”

The Day Street Apartments are part of LA Family Housing’s country-wide effort to assist the homeless. The two-story, garden-style complex includes a computer lab and courtyard with planter boxes and a dog run. All units are fully furnished. Tenants pay one-third of their monthly income as rent for their units.

The San Fernando Valley Council of NA’AMAT USA is located at 16161 Ventura Blvd. #101, Encino, CA 91436.
Ph: 818-995-4035
Fax: 818 981-6163

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Send your friends and loved ones NA’AMAT Misloach Manot for Purim!

Proceeds of every box go to supporting women, children, and families in Israel.

Last day for delivery before Purim is February 16th, so make sure to order in time!