NA’AMAT Israel Emergency Fire Appeal

As you may now be aware, over 600 wildfires have destroyed and damaged homes and NA’AMAT Day Care facilities in Israel. Tens of thousands of people were forced to flee their homes and hundreds of houses have gone up in flames, leaving many families and children homeless.  

By donating to this fund you will be involved in the support for the fire relief effort in Israel.

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Send your friends and loved ones NA’AMAT Misloach Manot for Purim!

Proceeds of every box go to supporting women, children, and families in Israel.

Last day for delivery before Purim is February 16th, so make sure to order in time!

Send your friends and loved ones NA’AMAT Misloach Manot for Purim!

Proceeds of every box go to supporting women, children, and families in Israel.

Last day for delivery before Purim is February 16th, so make sure to order in time!