Lisa Steindel Honored at NA’AMAT USA Pittsburgh Council Event

On Sunday, June 11, NA’AMAT USA’s Pittsburgh Council held its annual President’s Day/Donor Brunch, as a large group of members, family and friends gathered for an afternoon of inspiring stories, good food and lively entertainment.

The event honored Lisa Steindel who is continuing in her role as Council President. It also marked the installation of a new board. Continuing in their current positions are Membership Vice President Dorothy Greenfield, American Affairs and Allied Activities Officers Sibyl Treblow, Treasurer Judy Kobell, Recording Secretary Natalie Rosenbloom, Corresponding Secretaries Barbara Caplan and Elinor Young, and Executive Director Jackie Braslawsce. Rhoda Dorfzuan will be taking over as Assistant Recording Secretary starting in July, assuming a role previously held by Barbara Rosenstein.

“We are so grateful to Barbara for her commitment and time, and excited for Rhoda to join our leadership team,” said Braslawsce. “The brunch was lovely and included amazing music from local singer Sara Stock Mayo and pianist Laura Daniels.”

A Life Member of NA’AMAT USA, Steindel has been active in Pittsburgh’s Jewish community for 35 years. She is also a Life Member of the National Council of Jewish Women and Hadassah, and served as Executive Director of the Pittsburgh Chapter of the American Jewish Committee from 2004-2009. She teaches at the Pittsburgh Catholic Diocese High Schools as part of the Catholic-Jewish Education Enrichment Program.

A native of Erie, Pennsylvania, Steindel was trained as a vocational rehabilitation counselor and led a counseling practice in Pittsburgh for many years. Last year, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court appointed her to the state’s Judicial Conduct Board. She is married to Rabbi Stephen Steindel, who serves as Rabbi Emeritus of Congregation Beth Shalom in Pittsburgh.

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Send your friends and loved ones NA’AMAT Misloach Manot for Purim!

Proceeds of every box go to supporting women, children, and families in Israel.

Last day for delivery before Purim is February 16th, so make sure to order in time!