Jan Gurvitch Installed As President Of NA’AMAT USA

Los Angeles, CA 1/7/20 – Longtime NA’AMAT member Jan Gurvitch has been installed as the newest President of the National Board of NA’AMAT USA. The ceremony took place at NA’AMAT’s 43rd National Convention when it was convened in Israel this past November. In her acceptance speech, Gurvitch recognized the legacy of the Pioneer Women and NA’AMAT members who came before her. “I am grateful to those women who were trailblazers in their day. They believed in the dignity and equality of all women. They believed in a state where social justice would be the norm and not the exception. And these women took these dreams and ideals and made them realities for generations to come.”

In accepting the Presidency she invited the membership to join her in fulfilling NA’AMAT’s mission to help the most vulnerable and at-risk women and children of Israel. “I believe that as members of NA’AMAT our actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, and become more,” she said. “That is what NA’AMAT has always been about and that will be our greatest legacy to the generations to come,” she added. Clarifying her plans even further she concluded, “Working hand in hand with our NA’AMAT sisters in Israel, I know we can improve the quality of life for women, children and their families both in Israel and in the United States.”

Gurvitch comes to her position at the helm of NA’AMAT USA after rising through the many levels of leadership both locally and nationally. After 15 years as a leader of her chapter and council in Brooklyn, New York, Gurvitch joined the National Board in 1985. Having served on the national Board as Eastern Area Coordinator as well as a Co-Vice President of Fundraising, she brings an exceptional depth and breadth of NA’AMAT knowledge and experience to her role as President.

In a recent letter to the entire membership of NA’AMAT USA, Gurvitch outlined her vision for the year ahead. “I ask each of you to be a strong spokesperson for both Israel and NA’AMAT,” Gurvitch urged the membership. She continued to share her vision adding, “NA’AMAT USA must continue to be a voice for women and children in Israel. We must continue to advocate for those who are in need of our support and help.”

All the members of NA’AMAT USA congratulate Jan on this ultimate achievement and are looking forward to working together on her exciting agenda.

Gurvitch comes to her position at the helm of NA’AMAT USA after rising through the many levels of leadership both locally and nationally. After 15 years as a leader of her chapter and council in Brooklyn, New York, Gurvitch joined the National Board in 1985. Having served on the national Board as Eastern Area Coordinator as well as a Co-Vice President of Fundraising, she brings an exceptional depth and breadth of NA’AMAT knowledge and experience to her role as President.