Grant Presentation Ceremony with Hebrew College Jewish Teen Foundation of Greater Boston


Join Us at the Virtual Grant Presentation Ceremony!

About the the Award

NA’AMAT is a grant recipient of the Hebrew College Jewish Teen Foundation of Greater Boston. This year, the 54 students in the program sat on 4 boards and chose to focus on organizations devoted to the following issue areas: education inequity, domestic abuse, criminal justice and pediatric cancer.

NA’AMAT USA was selected out of 56 proposals to receive a grant for our ABBA Program. The Center for Fathers was founded in 2020 to provide training and personal support for fathers coping with parental challenges. NA’AMAT was the first organization in Israel that treated violent couples based on the unique concept that if women want to defend women, it is important that we also treat the man.

NA’AMAT has always been identified as a movement active in the struggle for the empowerment of women. Within this struggle, NA’AMAT has always advocated a holistic concept and endeavored to provide a response to all the “players” in the complex and challenging puzzle of the family and relations between the sexes.

Join Us!

For those who are able to join, we are looking forward to virtually seeing you at the grant presentation ceremony on June 2 at 6:30pm ET. We ask that anyone who is joining from your organization (and beyond!) please RSVP. This is a community event, so feel free to share the invite with anyone- even as far as your own websites, newsletters, and social media pages. We are so proud of our JTFGBers and happy to share what they’ve been doing far and wide.

We are all so excited to celebrate another year of of JTFGB- especially making our way through it completely online in what wasn’t always the easiest of times. We are thrilled to be supporting all of you, such diverse and amazing organizations, doing important work across all different communities and can’t wait to see what’s next.

Wednesday, June 2

6:30pm ET, 5:30pm CT, 3:30pm PT – Online

Learn About the ABBA Center for Fathers

Abba – The Na’amat Center for Fathers was founded in 2020 due to a constantly increasing need to create discourse and provide unique responses for fathers coping with the various stages of raising their children.

The Abba Center constitutes an inclusive and enabling space that seeks to provide responses to these fathers. The responses provided at the Center include personal meetings, group meetings and/or spousal meetings.

Counseling and training are also provided on Zoom, while maintaining discretion and an affordable price. The Center conducts lectures and workshops on the subjects of parenthood and fatherhood.

Training and personal support for fathers coping with parental challenges

Enrichment meetings at organizations for fathers and their children to strengthen the father – child experience

Training and personal support for fathers coping with transition of divorce

Lectures for the general public

  • Work and Family during COVID Pandemic
  • Everything you’ve always wanted to know about fatherhood, but were afraid to ask
  • Parenthood and Spousal Relations – Instructions for Use

Unique Programs for Fathers

  • Fathers in transition to fatherhood
  • Fathers in single-parent families
  • Fathers coping with loss

Training programs for young fathers

Scope of program: 6 meetings, intended for up to 10 fathers

What being a father is | Formulating concept of the father’s role | How to integrate work and family | How to cope with changing spousal relations? | Coping with Conflict Situations in Spousal Relations | What is important for fathers to know about children?

The multi-disciplinary staff at the Center specializes in training, consultation and therapy