Annual Summer Appeal – 2020

In Israel It Takes a Village

Teens in Israel

In Israel, over 600 disadvantaged young people have found solace and an education at NA’AMAT’s Kanot Youth Village. Here at Kanot, our students gain the new skills and encouragement they need to make better lives for themselves. Whether their passion is law enforcement, agriculture, or equestrian/veterinary studies, these at-risk students will definitely find a course of study that meets their needs and opens up new doors to their future careers.

This summer, NA’AMAT had plans to open its doors to more students than ever before. All seemed ready to go. However, in the midst of this pandemic and massive unemployment, the Israeli government cut off needed funding to our youth village. We now look to you, our extended “village” to help furnish and make these dorm rooms a welcome home for these additional students. The needs may appear simple–beds, desks, dressers, and bookcases, but what happens at our schools is anything but simple.

At Kanot, lives are turned around and dreams of a brighter future become a reality when our students take their matriculation exams and graduate from our high school. Please help provide these students that important second chance by your donation to the Kanot Youth Village Summer Appeal.

Send your friends and loved ones NA’AMAT Misloach Manot for Purim!

Proceeds of every box go to supporting women, children, and families in Israel.

Last day for delivery before Purim is February 16th, so make sure to order in time!

Send your friends and loved ones NA’AMAT Misloach Manot for Purim!

Proceeds of every box go to supporting women, children, and families in Israel.

Last day for delivery before Purim is February 16th, so make sure to order in time!